The Beauty of Dawn’s Record Breaking Book Signing

Hi everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to formally recognize the AMAZING turnout we had at the book signing for my debut novel, The Beauty of Dawn. I went into this completely blind. I figured, “hey, it’s my first book, I doubt a lot of people will show up.” I bought 50 author copies, thinking I would have tons left over to use in videos and promotions.

Well, I was completely wrong. So many people showed up to the book signing, not only did I completely sell out of copies, but we broke the record at my local bookstore for the most copies sold by an independent author. There were even people stopping by to request The Beauty of Dawn for weeks afterward. That’s absolutely insane. I am so thankful to each and every one of you. It warms my heart to have the support of so many amazing people, and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading The Beauty of Dawn.

Now, let’s take a moment to appreciate these awesome pictures:

W.D. Seitz (Willow Seitz) in a bookstore next to fans

W.D. Seitz (Willow Seitz) pictured with supporters at her book signing at The Inside Story.

I was blessed to have so many people from East Coast Aikido come to show their support. I have been attending the Makotokan dojo for 12 years now, and it was so heartwarming to see the kids I help teach and my fellow peers in the adult class stop by to get their copy. I love you, Aikido family! You’ll find lots of awesome displays of martial arts between the pages.

Two girls holding W.D. Seitz's novel, The Beauty of Dawn, in a bookstore.

I will leave you all with this final photo dump. Thank you to everyone who was bullied into getting a photo taken by my beloved photographer, my mom. See you at the next one!


Weekly Update: Reflecting on The Beauty of Dawn + My New Novel